Sunday, May 11, 2014

Into the Forest...

About a month after Zou and I did that hike up Mt. W I last posted, we did another one, but taking a different route back down.  We went up the old steep paved service road again but down on a lovely trail (which you will see much more of later!  ;)    I didn't take my camera out much that day (astounding and puzzling, I know!).  Not really till near the end of the trail.  I just loved the forest - so cool, shady, inviting while possibly the slightest bit threatening/creepy (if you really work at it...), and somehow Harry Potter/LOTR-ish (for those fans - for all the rest = mystical/fantastical and like the trees might come alive kind of thing)...

 Zou enters The Deep Woods...

 Welcome to the deep shade, the inner sanctum...

Will we come out alive on the other end?  Read on and see!  :)

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