Saturday, May 10, 2014


While we're stationed here in R., Z and I are mostly using this one local, very handy, and very scenic hill to get tuned-up, and tuned-in, on.  So, although we will occasionally veer off to other sites, Mt. W is going to be our main go-to, literally.  Mostly early mornings, to beat the heat (which often ventures awfully close to the 100 degree mark this time of year).  In sunshine, cloudshine, fog, or drizzle.  
Let's go!

There are multiple ways up Mt. W, which tops out at 2400'.  Today, we're doing the quickest, most-straightforward approach - on the service road.  Mt. W is one of the most easily recognized peaks in the area because it's the one with all the radio towers on it (you'll soon see what I'm referring to).  This paved route is about 1.7 miles with around 1200' gain - it is a STEEP incline and a hell of a calf work-out (Moo!!)!  Here we are at the start of the way up, with the peak in sight, and no, this is not the steep part - it's around a bend or two from here.

Here my hiking partner poses (thank goodness she hasn't yet gotten to the point my beloved Ouraydog got to, where he would avoid contact with the camera's line of sight!  I would call to him, and he would immediately look up, down, and all around but NOT at the camera!!).
We're at what I think of as a third of the way up. Awesome clouds on this day!

 A hiker offers to take a mini-family photo.

 And here we are at my "two-thirds" point.  It's my favorite section, and I call it the Avenue of Rocks.  These aren't just any old rocks - they're bigger than our RV by a long shot!

 Zou is so good at putting up with her choreographer mom, who is always telling her where to stand/sit/go back/smile...!

 Isn't this an awesome collection of rocks?

 And one terribly cute puppy - or as one passingby hiker put it (my favorite passerby to date!!):  "That's a friggin' cute dog!!!"  YEAH!!  Got that right!!

 Zou checking out the views to the east/southeast.

 And east/northeast (our RV is out there somewhere).

 Check out the neato honeycomb rock on the left.

 And the cool clouds - like someone's been mowing the sky.

 Looking back down the road.

 Since it had rained not too long before this hike, Zou lucks out and finds a small puddle atop a rock.

 Atop this rock, to be precise.

 More sky furrows.

 My best pal.

 OK, here we are on top!  This is one of our (many) favorite boulders to hang out on.  It's huge and has great views.  From here, looking south, you can see one of the other fun peaks - I. Mtn.  I used to hike that pretty often, but it has become so popular that it ranks a little lower on my list nowadays.  Mt. W is extremely popular too - but more on that later...

 And, an added bonus on this day - a disappearing edge pool!  Well, almost...

 Looking east, you can see some of the towers.

 And more looking west.  And if you were to look REALLY closely, you'd even see a couple of guys working midway up on that big one!
Zouey can see them.  Can you?

 Zou playing in her pool.  I have to keep a tight rein on her when she starts wanting to zoom around on top of this rock though - it's a long way down on most sides!!

 Time to head back.  This is one of the few fairly level sections.

 Hiker Zou.

Yes, we're going downhill, but as usual Mom calls Zou back uphill just for the shot...!
I know, I know.  Sheesh.

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