Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Another round...

OK, shall we start this one off with "cute?!"
My Zou Zou, with a pose she often gave me as a baby.

 Rocks R Us.
Can you find the teeny cars on the road below?  That's the main road south, takes you to P. or L. or...  And you can see that it's a foggy morning - one of my favorite kinds (= cool, non-glary hiking conditions, at least till the fog burns off!)

Are you familiar enough now that you can recognize this section of the road up Mt. W?  
Not yet?  Well, this is my Avenida de las Rocas!  (we're looking back at the avenue, after we've gone up and through it already)

 The magnificent chunk that bookends one end of my special section - and a pretty yucca in bloom. 

 Yeah, more cuteness...!
(ain't she though?!)

Almost to the top (again)!

 Pretty girl.

 Another yucca.

 I've always admired this rock and tree combo.

Towers in the mist.

 More super cool rocks.  But I need something to highlight the size of these beasts.  That pock-marked one leaning over is at least the size of someone's garage.

 And here, in a small patch of poison oak (!?!  Nice, huh?  We didn't see it, blended into the scrub oak as it was...!) at the base of said rock, Zou and I paused to check out the view (looking southwest) below.  Which was largely obscured by the fog.  But our usual rock perch is in plain sight (the large, long loaf-like one on the right).

 Zouropa, on our Loaf.

 My lead loafer.

 Still just loafing around (groan...).

On the other side (looking north now).

 Just more neato rocks...

 And more neato dog...

 And wait, is this my dog?  Or the Dog of Christmas Past?  Or the suggestion of a dog?  Or...?!  

The parting shot - Indian paintbrush.

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