Monday, January 26, 2015


Another relatively recent park addition consists of relatively flat, limited hiking in an area referred to as the grasslands.  Now, in the next two pictures, you're not going to see any grass!  But that's just because of the season.  In San Diego, we usually get most of our rain between Dec. and March or April, so that is also when things start greening up, grasses grow, and wildflowers bloom!  But in these photos, you'll see how things look here for most of the year - brown!

 A few other people are on the trails too...

 Unlike the first two photos, these next pictures were taken after we'd had some rain (and a couple months later).


 Looking east from a slightly higher vantage point.  The main part of town is northeast of this park.

 See the highest peak in the background?  That's our beloved Mt. W!  We do this other, easy trail for variety and also when we're out of shape and need to work our way back up to the more challenging hikes (well, technically, when I'm out of shape...  I don't think Zou ever really loses it, even during our less active periods....  Not fair!!)!

 oooooo, water bowl!

 And if she's lucky, it's a tasty mix of dirt, dog feet, and horse, cow, and bunny poop!

Zou adds in a little of her own flavoring!

 Sections of the trail are bordered by this fancy fencing (I think it's fake - concrete - wood).

More water bowls!

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