Saturday, October 24, 2015

Mt. G

 Zou and I set out early on May 5 (2014) to tackle my favorite hike.  The trail up Mt. G is a little more challenging at 8 miles RT and 1700' gain.  But it's way less crowded (YAY!!!!) and has great views and great rocks!

 The sun peeks through the clouds for a short hello.

 There she is.  You're going to see a lot of my favorite hiking partner in this post!!

 Some of the hillside is just rock - large slabs and loose boulders.

 Once we make it to where the boulders get even cooler and more prevalent, we are getting close to the top.

 Not at the top yet, but this is a good view looking back and down.  You can see the big water tank (sort of top left) that looks pretty tiny from here?  We passed by that enroute, maybe a mile in.  Then the trail goes up and over that ridge to the right of the tank.

 These are the neatest rocks, I think!

 Zou thinks so too!

 Up, up, up...getting closer!

 This whole area is more rock slab, covered with assorted other rocks.

 Which is really fun for mountain goats!

 Pretty plants.  I think the grey-green bushes are yerba santa.

 Zouey plows onwards and upwards!

 You can see that water tank again, only this time it's more in the middle of the picture.

 Almost there!  And the sun breaks out again to celebrate!

 Me and my girl on top.

 More mountain-goating!

 Pretty flutterby on buckwheat.

 There's another "local" hike that is my top dog hike - it's the one I'm always working towards here, trying to get in good enough condition for (and I definitely need a cloudy, cool day for!!).  El C. is about 11 miles RT and a whopping 4000' total elevation gain (up and down, up and down, both directions!!)! That's A LOT for me!!!  Enough to kick my butt, even when I'm in good shape!  I'm not 100% sure with all the clouds and all, but I'm guessing this little set of "mountains" (San Diego-style, that is...  This peak is only 3648' tall!  A far cry from all the 12ers, 13ers, and 14ers in CO!!) to the south of Mt. G is the El C. "range."  If I'm right, the trailhead is to the right of that lower, rockier, and sunlit peak.  You then follow the trail around and up and down, etc., etc., all the way over to the peak on the left.  And then...turn around and go back!

 More interesting plants from this arid area:  the San Diego Dudleya.

 Zou on the edge...

 "Whoa, what's down there?!!"
or, "Smells good!" (like squirrel poop?)

 Such great weather!  The best for hiking (and photo) days!!

 My little boulder hopper.

 Super Zou!

 Yup, we've seen this yucca before, eh?

 Hasta la vista, mis amigos!  Until next time, my friends...

 And here's another occurrence of "Where's My Dog??"  Because it was a cool day (so not rattlesnake-friendly), no one else was around, and there was no poison oak nearby, I let Zouey go off-leash - a very rare thing to be able to do safely and legally in San Diego!!  She took full advantage, exploring here, there, and everywhere!  And before I knew it, she's was atop this boulder pile...!  Go girl!

 On the "water tank ridge," looking back at Mt. G

 And hey!  What's that up ahead!  The water tank!  Yay!  Getting there...

 And I just found out what these flowers are called - just for you!  Pink spineflowers!  They are tiny, ground-huggers, and rather unusual.

 After going downhill from the water tank, you cross this nice, green little "valley," and then on up the trail for another half mile or so.

 Looking back at the water tank.

 You didn't think I was going to give away the name of my favorite San Diego trail on-line, did you?!!!  Not many know about it, and I want to keep it that way!!!!!


Saturday, October 17, 2015

South C. Cyn

So a lot of time has passed since this hike (back in April of 2014!), but so what?!!
My best doggy pal Zouey and I did this on a beautiful partly-cloudy day, chosen for cooler temps and better views!

 My best hiking partner!
We're heading up past that big ol' rock up there on top...

 A cool section with rock steps.

 We reach that big ol' rock!  Two ravens? crows? flying above it.

 We're past the poison oak area and there's no one in sight, time to let the girl off-leash!

 Now we're on our way to trail's end out on this peaklet.

 Boulder for Two trailside...  Or, ma'am, your rock is ready...

 Zou spots her target, and she's off and running!

 And where'd she go?  Top of the rocks!!  I still remember getting her comfortable with small-time rock climbing.  Now, I'd have to say she's way more comfortable with it than I am - Mommy gets nervous watching her sometimes!  I can't afford to lose that baby girl!!!!

 It's all about the girl...

 Heading back down.  You can see a little bit of road - that's where the Subaru awaits!

Pretty chaparral wildflower - called "wishbone."