Thursday, May 15, 2014

Getting kinda loopy...

Next time up Mt. W (just a couple days later), Zou and I went up on the road and down on the little side trail that we love (very pretty, lesser known, hardly used - yay!!!!).  Makes for a 5 or 6 mile affair.  And, as is sometimes the case, we started out in early morning fog and ended up in sunshine.  Best of both worlds, I guess...!

 Pretty tree, rock, and...poison oak!

 My Ave of Rocks looking stunning as usual...

 Zou trotting down said avenue.

 Fog photo.

Fog Dog photo.

 Pretty dirt.  (??)

 My little mountain goat...

 A spot where the road sort of winds back on itself (you can see that little bit of it down below, to the right). 

 So many giant boulders, the size of small houses.  Like this one, split in two.  The big half kinda looks like a face, don't you think?


 Fog is lifting, but still some hanging around.  Look at that gorgeous yucca!

 Some more favorite rocks...

 The pine tree guardians, stand watch over the top of the road.  Looking back down at them here.

 Zou and I check out the view (to the west) from one of our main hang-out rocks.

We've gone over the top, past the communication towers, and are now headed down the main trail.  Zou spies someone coming up from the other side.

 That path splits after a mile or so, the main trail continuing down to Lake P.  Zou and I happily detour onto our quieter one, which winds its way back close to our starting point...

 Part way down you can look up and see the towers - the peak we just came down from.

 In parts, the trail is lined by these pretty yerba santa plants, which have been busy blooming lately.

 I love ferns!

 You may remember this section from the earlier post?

 A type of rock rose.  I love how crinkly their petals are, like crumpled paper.

 A little view opening to the north.  On this side of Mt. W, a pretty nice housing/golf development wraps around its base.  For a short section, the trail goes right by some of their backyards.  Kind of interesting to looky-loo the landscaping, pink paint choice (OK, some of them aren't as nice...but most are), etc., but not so keen on some of the extra-nasty dogs that take their protective jobs just a wee bit too seriously!!!

 Fire poppies.

 A Phacelia type.

 And meet Mr. Whiptail!

And we're back!  Just skirted to the left of those houses and past a little bit of golf course, and we're down and done.

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