Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mt. W from P. Lake

Flashing back to around the end of April...
This time Zou and I drove down the hill so we could hike back up it!  Mt. W from the lake below, instead of just from the town of R.  8 miles round trip and 2000' gain.
 The grass around the western side of the lake is almost glowing green!  Love spring!!

 All these photos are from my point and shoot, so this image is of exceptionally poor quality (because I cropped the heck out of it as well!).  But this is an osprey!  And so cool to see!  Guess there's plenty of fish in this lake to go around - for all the fishermen who frequent it, and for fish-eating raptors like this.

 Lake P.

 Zou plays on almost ALL the rocks on the way up.

 Painted-over, then written-over, graffiti.  Nice, huh?

And here we reach one of the many neato rock features - two big boulders with the trail running through the middle.

 Zou zooms up the rock face of one of them.

 From on top.

 And back down, no problemo!


 Me and my baby up at the peak, on one of our favorite hang-out rocks.

 Looking back towards the west (the way we came up).  You can see some of the towers this peak is famous for housing.

 On the way back down (just past the P. C. rock that people line up to climb and be photographed on...).  Everyone has their own rock perch.

 Almost back down.